Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 9: January 19

Yesterday, my lip felt a little tingly so I decided to take a break for the one day. But when I woke up this morning, my lip had a bump! I think I'm developing a cold sore, and not wanting to poison my reed I am forced to take a break until it goes away. However, even though I won't be playing, I will continue to study about the instrument and I'll try to continue posting. ...Then I'll sterilize my reed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 8: January 18

I found this video today... wow! I can't believe the incredible sound this one instrument can make! --But there seems to be a little tension between him and the chick on the right. Sorry Blondie, but this guy ROCKS this piece!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 7: January 17

I decided to practice Mary Had a Little Lamb for one more day. I'm still not brave enough to attempt some of the other songs from the web site; I still sound to much like a Canadian Goose.
Although, I may have just played the BEST rendition of Mary Had a Little Lamb ever performed. It was very touching.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 6: January 16

I have been studying the finger chart I printed off. I’m trying to memorize the note names that accompany each button and it’s really difficult to remember. I looked online to find a few scales to start working on but I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I stumbled across a web site that has “easy clarinet songs.” I suddenly realized I have never even attempted to play a recognizable tune! So today is the day – Mary Had a Little Lamb, here I come.

Mary had a little lamb; she said it was delicious.

Day 5: January 15

Today, I brought my clarinet over to my sister and brother in law’s apartment. My sister, Alex played flute for all 4 years of high school in the marching band. She’s quite talented but she hasn’t touched it much since graduation. Today, she was persuaded to bring it out, but I wasn’t able to catch much of a demonstration on film because she was being camera shy.  She let me try to play her flute but believe it or not, I’m better at the clarinet … and that’s not saying much.
Love you sis!


My sis DESTROYS this flute! (...destroys as in the really awesome way. It's slang.)

First and last time at flute.

Alex tries the clarinet

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 4: January 5

Day 4: January 5 (recovered footage)
This day I had the honor of my first public performance. Although I had a lot of fun, I hope my next concert goes better.

Katrina hasn't played clarinet sice she was in elementary school! It was a cool experience to be able to see her try again after so long of her giving it up!

Sorry for the Delay

I apologize for the delay which is caused by my computers inability to perform regular basic functions. I am attempting to form a solution that doesn't involve an open window mixed with a little gravity. Thanks for your patience.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 3: January 4

Today I practiced my clarinet in a different location. I brought it to my boyfriend, Eben’s apartment since I am spending all day here with him. It’s awesome being able to travel so easily with my instrument! It has that cool silver case; It looks like I could be carrying one million dollars in unmarked bills.
The clarinet is not my first self taught instrument. I also play the piano. I’ve been playing for about 2 years. I have been working on the guitar for about a year now but I still need a lot more work on this instrument before I can go public. And although the guitar may be “portable” it is not easy to haul around.  It’s like trying to carry around a small child that stays stiff as a board.  Other instruments I tinker with are the harmonica, the auto harp and kazoo.
During my practice today I sounded very airy! I also squeaked a lot. I thought it may have been because of poor reed placement, but I suppose I simply need to work on my technique. I tried out some new notes using the right hand (I don’t know which notes they are because it was a spontaneous decision and I played them on a whim. )
I would like to take this time to give public apologies to Eben’s neighbors. I’m sorry you had to suffer through this.

Video footage missing.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2: January 3

I felt like such a big wig today when I opened up the case and knew how to put the clarinet together. I felt like a military solder putting together his riffle – click, click, swipe, snap and BAM! – a clarinet!
Ariana Lamon-Anderson, from the monkeysee video set showed me how to play 3 notes: E, D and C. But clearly my 1 day clarinet skills are very advanced and are capable of handling far more than a mere 3 notes. So I Googled “clarinet finger chart” and found this diagram:

Along with the 3 notes from the video, I will also practice from the chart the notes F and G.

Things to work on:
            Focus on breath control
            Focus on breathing into the clarinet with an even flow of air
            Focus on focusing
I learned online today about the importance of cleaning and putting your clarinet away properly (Don’t tell, but I didn’t do any of that stuff last time). I removed the cleaning cloth from it’s protective baggy and there’s a giant weighted shoe lace hanging from it! So check this out – you drop the lace into the horn end and pull the rag all the way through the mouth piece! Someone out there is a genius. I wish I could clean my ears that way.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1: January 2

I opened the clarinet case today with such excitement knowing I am taking my very first steps in a new journey! I looked inside with such glee to suddenly realize I don’t even know how to put this damn thing together! There it was, laying in 5 detached pieces. Two of the pieces were fairly simple to figure out where they were meant to go:
I’m not going to lie to you though, I felt so anxious just to hold the instrument in full form. So I shoved all the pieces together then Googled to see if it was right. In retrospect, I should have reversed that process -- but as it turns out, I’m a pretty good guesser! There she was complete in my hands, the dark beauty. Nervously I raised the instrument to my lips for the first time. I thought about all the clarinetists I have seen in my life, whether performing in an orchestra, or on PBS and realized this is the same lip sensation they feel every time they play. Proposing a strategy in my head I decided I didn’t want to blow too hard, but just hard enough to have some oomph. I gently clamped my lips around the mouth piece and blew to hear the sound of … nothing. It’s inarguable that I need help.
I Googled “How to play clarinet for beginners” and clicked on the first video that was posted. I was directed to a video series on
It was so helpful! Firstly I learned I had to moisten the reed with my spit. It tastes a lot like a popsicle stick (at this point I suddenly became very thankful I brushed my teeth well before starting. I’m such a germaphobe and I’m terrified that my nasty spit will grow bacteria all over the reed!). I rapidly became completely dependant on these videos as I became more aware of how much I didn’t know! I found myself hitting pause to be sure my reed was positioned clearly on the mouthpiece; I learned the left hand goes on top, and that goofy piece sticking out of the back is NOT an instrument prop  but rather to rest your right thumb under.  Yet, thanks to help from Ariana Lamon-Anderson (from the video series) I finally made a break though: NOISE!

Now, I do recognize it sounds more like a vuvuzela than a clarinet but I am very proud of myself.